1. Creative Director
2. Animator
3. -

Onecrew Inc.

Viking at The National Museum of Denmark

To survive the treacherous life of a Viking, you had to raid, steal and kill to fend for both your family and your village. As Creative Director/Director on this project the goal was to create two vignettes that illustrated the intense hardships of this Nordic culture. Atelier Brueckner chose to project the videos onto a "liquid screen" displayed before the largest Viking ship ever unearthed, measuring 37 meters in length, which is currently exhibited at the National Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark. Behind this massive artifact displayed two videos, 16 minutes in length, conveying a ghostly video of the severe Nordic lifestyle these men, women and children had to endure hundreds of years ago.


Executive Creative Director Jose Gomez Creative Director Tom Green Matte Painting Chris Brock / Donald Yatomi / Ed Li / William Dely Character Designer Joe Kennedy / Alex Mandrajiiev Designers Tae Kim / Anne Kruetzkamp Editor Frederick Ross 2D Lead Jahmad Rollins 2D Animation Jamal Otolorin / Laura Yilmaz 3D Animation Justin Miller Compositing / Texturing Stephanie Corda / Vlad Guskic / Brian Do / Tom Green Storyboard Mark Pacella Writer Dave Bourla Producer Hayley Underwood Director of Production Cary Flaum Executive Producer Arthur Portnoy Music Company Echo Lab Composer / Gavin Little VO Jan Waldekranz

Agency Ateller Bruckner GMBH Producer Cord- Hinrich Grote